A downloadable asset pack

SeedComp! Auto-Reenroll Program
24-25 Edition

While many seeds are used in the SeedComp!, there are plenty with potential looking for a home creator to be sprouted into an actual game!

Since participants are allowed to use unused seeds from past editions of the competition, we created the Auto-Reenroll program, where we automatically re-submit those seeds* until chosen. They are neatly compiled into one downloadable Zip folder.

The listed seeds below are eligible to be used in the 24-25 edition of the SeedComp!.
*with the agreement of the submitter.

The Zip folder includes all the auto-reenrolled seeds listed below, as well as a Read-Me .txt file, and a list of the licenses for each of the included seeds.
Please ensure to follow the licences requirements when using them!

And consider visiting the original pages of these seeds!
Note: some may not be available anymore.

SeedComp! Edition 2022-2023:

SeedComp! Edition 2023-2024:



SeedComp Auto-Reenroll 24-25.zip 5.8 MB

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